Getting Recommendations

django-oscar-easyrec comes with a templatetag allowing you to easily fetch recommendations and display them in your templates. There are a number supported template tags which do pretty much what they say:

{% load recommendations %}

{% user_recommendations request.user as recommendations %}
{% for recommended_product in recommendations %}
    <!-- Do your thing! -->
{% endfor %}

{% users_also_bought a_product request.user as recommendations %}
{% for recommended_product in recommendations %}
    <!-- Do your thing! -->
{% endfor %}

{% users_also_viewed a_product request.user as recommendations %}
{% for recommended_product in recommendations %}
    <!-- Do your thing! -->
{% endfor %}

{% products_rated_good product as recommendations %}
{% for recommended_product in recommendations %}
    <!-- Do your thing! -->
{% endfor %}

{% related_products product as recommendations %}
{% for recommended_product in recommendations %}
    <!-- Do your thing! -->
{% endfor %}

Each template tag provides a list of recommendations. Each recommendation is a dictionary containing a product object, and a tracking url. e.g.:

    "product": <Product>,
    "tracking_url": ""

If no recommendations are found then an empty list is returned. Each of these tags also supports a number of other optional parameters.

You can also call the recommendation functions directly:

from easyrec.utils import get_gateway

easyrec = get_gateway()
recommendations = easyrec.get_user_recommendations(user.user_id)
recommendations = easyrec.get_other_users_also_bought(product.upc, user_id)
recommendations = easyrec.get_other_users_also_viewed(product.upc, user_id)

Recommendation Template Tags


Returns a list of recommended items for a user


{% user_recommendations <user> [max_results 15] [requested_item_type "ITEM"] [action_type "VIEW"] %}


Returns a list of recommended items based on users who bought this also bought X


{% users_also_bought <product> <user> [max_results 15] [requested_item_type "ITEM"] %}


Returns a list of recommended items based on users who viewed this also viewed X


{% users_also_viewed <product> <user> [max_results 15] [requested_item_type "ITEM"] %}


Returns a list of recommended items based on users who rated this as good also rated X as good.


{% product_rated_good <product> <user> [max_results 15] [requested_item_type "ITEM"] %}


Permitted values for some of the optional parameters are more obvious than other so let go through them here just to make sure:

The maximum number of products you want. The default is up to 15
The item type you want in the results. The default is “ITEM”
The associate type between the products. The default is “IS_RELATED” but you have the following options: “BOUGHT_TOGETHER”, “GOOD_RATED_TOGETHER”, “IS_RELATED”, “VIEWED_TOGETHER”.